Seether will release a new single called “Dangerous” within “two weeks,” according to the band's guitarist/vocalist Shaun Morgan. A short preview clip of the song was made available at the end of Morgan's YouTube live chat and acoustic session on Sunday (June 14th). “Dangerous” will be included on Seether's recently completed eighth album, which is tentatively due in the summer.
Morgan told us a while back that he never really knows what he's going to write until he's in the studio: “I tend to write the lyrics right before I'm actually recording them, because there's a vulnerability to them. I think if I don't do it that way, I overthink it, and if I let my subconscious become the driver of that process, then I think it becomes a lot more meaningful, funnily enough. It's an interesting study in what's going on in my mind.”
In an earlier YouTube session, Morgan said about the new LP, “The new album is done and basically gonna be, I think, released in August at this point . . . It's my favorite album we've done to date by far. The songs, I think, are the strongest songs we've written. I'm really super proud of it.”
Seether's seventh full-length studio album, Poison The Parish, arrived in 2017.