Bebe Rexha is set to make her feature film debut in Queenpins with Kristen Bell. The story follows a suburban housewife, fed up with being overlooked by her husband and society, who decides to start an illegal coupon club. The female-driven comedy, also stars Kirby Howell-Baptiste, Vince Vaughn, and Paul Walter.
Rexha will play an eccentric computer hacker who helps our heroines with their coupon scam. She posted about it online and wrote: “Can’t wait for this.”
- Bebe Rexha is set to make her feature film debut in Queenpins with Kristen Bell.
- The female-driven comedy, also stars Kirby Howell-Baptiste, Vince Vaughn, and Paul Walter.
- Rexha will play an eccentric computer hacker who helps our heroines with their coupon scam.