Emily Ratajkowsi has welcomed her first baby, Sylvester Apollo Bear, with her husband Sebastian Bear-McClard, she announced on social media Thursday. The 29-year-old captioned a shot of herself cradling her daughter: “Sylvester Apollo Bear has joined us earth side. Sly arrived 3/8/21 on the most surreal, beautiful, and love-filled morning of my life.”
Ratajkowski is keeping things gender-neutral. She told Vogue recently: “When my husband and I tell friends that I'm pregnant, their first question after 'Congratulations' is almost always 'Do you know what you want?' We like to respond that we won't know the gender until our child is 18 and that they'll let us know then.”
“Everyone laughs at this,” she continued. “There is a truth to our line, though, one that hints at possibilities that are much more complex than whatever genitalia our child might be born with: the truth that we ultimately have no idea who — rather than what — is growing inside my belly.”
Ratajkowski and McClard married in 2018 at City Hall.