A documentary series created by Oprah Winfrey and Prince Harry is set to drop on Apple May 21st. The series, called The Me You Can’t See, focuses on mental health and emotional well-being. It will feature mental health pros, and celebs like Lady Gaga and Glenn Close.
It will also profile “a wide range of people from across the globe living with the challenges of mental health issues and addressing their emotional well-being,” according to Apple. “The series transcends culture, age, gender, and socioeconomic status to destigmatize a highly misunderstood subject and give hope to viewers who learn that they are not alone.”
Harry said of the show: “We are born into different lives, brought up in different environments, and as a result are exposed to different experiences. But our shared experience is that we are all human. The majority of us carry some form of unresolved trauma, loss, or grief, which feels — and is — very personal. Yet the last year has shown us that we are all in this together, and my hope is that this series will show there is power in vulnerability, connection in empathy, and strength in honesty.”
Winfrey said that “now more than ever, there is an immediate need to replace the shame surrounding mental health with wisdom, compassion, and honesty. Our series aims to spark that global conversation.”
Harry and his wife Meghan Markle recently sat down with Oprah for an explosive interview in which they both discussed their own struggles. Meghan admitted that the criticism she felt from the public and royals actually drove her to suicidal ideation. The pair are expecting their second child this summer.