Amber Tamblyn can relate to Britney Spears‘ struggle with young fame. Following her explosive statements in court alleging abuse under a conservatorship controlled by her father, Tamblyn shared her own experiences and insights in an essay for The New York Times.
The 38-year-old’s first break was at age 21 in Joan of Arcadia.
“I began making real, substantial money — money that made a big difference for my family,” she writes, noting that her family was not from a wealthy background.
Her parents were managing her and her finances. “My money paid for our vacations, dinners out, and sometimes even the bills,” she recalls. “When it finally came time to disentangle our personal and professional relationships, it was deeply painful for all three of us.”
She goes on to say that her experiences were not the same as Spears’ as she didn’t have control of her money, reproductive decisions or her career.
“Having seen some of the complications and consequences that come with finding fame and financial success at a young age, I can attest to how challenging this combination of factors can be to navigate, even for those with the best of intentions,” she writes. “I also know how much potential they have to turn toxic and how vulnerable they can make a young woman.”
She continues: “Having my parents on payroll was damaging to our relationship, whether we understood that or not. I couldn't shake the feeling that every time I had a conversation with my parents about money it felt as if I was asking for an allowance — only the allowance came from money I'd earned… Even though I knew there was space to call up my parents and ask for life advice, or just catch up, I rarely did so because of the roles they had taken in my life.”
It damaged all of her relationships, and changed the power dynamics.
“I was the one they came to for a small loan or in an emergency, the one who always picked up the check,” Tamblyn writes. “At one point when I was 21, I even bought an ex-boyfriend a new car in an attempt to break up with; I was that used to using money to make people happy, or fix problems, or appease my guilt.”