Tool lead singer Maynard James Keenan shared the news that his wife, Jennifer Lei Li Keenan, has breast cancer in an Instagram post yesterday (Thursday, August 12th) in which he wished her a happy birthday. The post paid tribute to Jennifer's strength and grace since her diagnosis on Christmas Eve through chemo, surgery and up to her current treatment of radiation.
Keenan's post reads, “Today is my wife’s Birthday. @licoricelust I’m going to guess that it will be viewed as her favorite. In late Nov she felt a lump in her breast. On X-mas eve, she was diagnosed with cancer. She didn’t collapse into a pile of self pity. She didn’t launch into an entitlement rage. She didn’t act out in any self destructive manner. Instead she asked the right questions, listened to her doctors, made a plan, and stuck to it. And when there were things she couldn’t do on her own, she asked for help. Before the chemo could take her hair, she cut it all off and had our friend Brooke make her a wig to match. And then she went to work. No one was the wiser. She’s successfully navigated both the chemo and the surgery, and now begins the radiation. And all without whining or bitching. She is my rock. She is my muse. She is my ALL. Be like Jen. Happy Birthday, My Love. Cheers to this one and many more.”
Keenan and Jennifer share a daughter, Lei Li Agostina Maria, who was born in 2014.