The only known pressing of Wu-Tang Clan‘s rare recording, Once Upon a Time in Shaolin, has been temporarily donated to the Museum of Old and New Art in Tasmania, Australia for limited listening sessions. From June 15 through June 24, the Namedropping exhibition at MONA will host free but ticketed 30-minute listening sessions for the exclusive Wu-Tang album. The listening sessions will occur twice daily during the week-long display of the album, which is housed in an ornate silver box. “Final thing on the Wu-Tang bucket list, and probably the only chance you’ll ever get to hear it,” states an Instagram post from MONA. “Run don’t walk, bring da ruckus, etc.” Tickets become available at 10 a.m. on Thursday, May 30. Once Upon a Time in Shaolin was originally purchased by disgraced pharmaceutical executive Martin Shkreli for $2 million, but is now owned by the digital art collective Pleasr. (Pitchfork)

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Rare Wu-Tang Clan Recording To Be Played At Australian Art Museum
May 28, 2024 | 8:00 PM