Netflix is developing a sequel series to A Different World, set at a historically Black university and centered on the youngest daughter of characters Whitley and Dwayne Wayne. The show involves the original show’s creative team.
Cate Blanchett wore a unique top made of 102 antique silver spoons by Hodakova to a fan screening for her film Borderlands. The sustainable design was sourced locally in Sweden. Fans praised the look on social media.
Christopher Nolan’s movie Interstellar is being re-released in theaters on Dec. 6 (to honor its 10th anniversary) instead of the initially intended date of Sept. 27. The film will be shown in 70mm Imax prints and digital screens.
Auntie Anne’s has created a fragrance, called Knead: Eau De Pretzel. It’ll be sold in 1 or 3.4 ounce bottles, at $25 and $45 respectively, at the firm’s new Pretzel Parfumerie store in NYC from August 13, as well as online August 14.
Carvel is offering 90-cent soft serve ice cream to celebrate the company’s 90th birthday on August 19, National Soft Serve Day. Customers can enjoy a small cup or cone of any soft serve flavor, with a limit of one treat per person.
Patti Yasutake, best known for her roles in Beef and Star Trek: The Next Generation, died peacefully at 70 after battling cancer, surrounded by loved ones on August 5th. Her manager and friend confirmed the news to Deadline.