Rooster Ricco loves to crow in his French home, but one of Ricco’s neighbors are not fans of his song. The rooster’s owners are being sued by their neighbors over incessant crowing, but Ricco’s parents are calling “fowl.” While the plaintiff claims the rooster crows all day and night, Ricco’s owners insist that the bird is only allowed outside at 8:30 a.m. in winter and 9 a.m. in the summer. “When we got the rooster, we said to ourselves that in order not to disturb the neighbors, we would make sure that the door to the chicken coop opened at 8:30,” owner Franck said. A Facebook support page has been created encouraging Ricco to keep crowing. (Oddity Central)
French Neighbor Sues Over Loud Rooster
Oct 22, 2024 | 8:00 PM