Tony Todd, best known for his role as the iconic hook-wielding ghost in the Candyman horror franchise, passed away at 69 in Marina Del Rey, California. With a prolific career spanning four decades, Todd left a legacy in genre films including The Crow, The Rock, and Final Destination, as well as his portrayal of Kurn on Star Trek: The Next Generation. His haunting performance in Candyman solidified his place in the genre realm, bringing a supernatural twist to themes of gentrification and racism. Todd’s Candyman co-star Virginia Madsen paid tribute to Todd’s memory on Instagram. “The great actor Tony Todd has left us and now is an angel. As he was in life,” she wrote. (Variety)
Tony Todd, ‘Candyman’ and ‘Final Destination’ Star, Dies At 69
Nov 10, 2024 | 7:00 PM