Justin Long and Kate Bosworth, who recently married, are set to star together in the survival thriller Coyote. The movie follows a family battling a group of crazed coyotes amidst a wildfire in the Hollywood Hills. “We are thrilled to be collaborating with Gramercy Park on this electrifying tale of a family facing dual threats from the firestorm threatening to engulf their home and a pack of hungry coyotes caught up in the maelstrom,” executive producer Ruzanna Kegeyan said. “We know that Justin and Kate are perfectly matched to bring this riveting tale to life.” The couple previously co-starred together in both Barbarian and House Of Darkness. (Variety)
Newlyweds Justin Long and Kate Bosworth to Co-Star in Survival Thriller ‘Coyote’
Nov 12, 2024 | 7:00 PM