An Argentinian man was in jail for 21 days after police suspected he was traveling with 18 containers of cocaine. However, the substance turned out to be nothing more than talcum powder. In October, Maximiliano Acosta was riding a bus when officers checked his baggage in La Paz. Acosta said the bottles contained talcum powder, but police were skeptical as to why someone would be carrying such a large quantity. Acosta was arrested, and even Argentina’s Minister of Security posted on X regarding the “drug bust.” However, after the white powder was tested, it turned out to be just a personal hygiene product the whole time. Acosta’s mother said he was traveling with large quantities of talcum powder to resell it. (Oddity Central)
Man Spends Three Weeks In Jail For Talcum Powder
Dec 4, 2024 | 7:00 PM